Conference at InPrint 2015

InPrint 2015 ends with convincing results

Exhibitions / Events

On 12 November, the second InPrint trade show for industrial print ended after three successful exhibition and conference days in Munich. 3400 trade visitors from 68 countries came to the trade show centre to learn about ground breaking technologies, components and services in specialty, screen, digital, inkjet and 3D print.

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The opening of COPT.ZENTRUM in Cologne was attended by representatives from politics and economy

University of Cologne opens COPT.ZENTRUM for organic electronics

Exhibitions / Events

Recently, the University of Cologne has celebrated the official opening of the new COPT.ZENTRUM for organic electronics with representatives from the provincial government and industry. For the university, COPT.ZENTRUM will serve as a central building block of its technology transfer strategy, which is a main task of the institution besides research and training.

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The organic and printed electronics industry expects an increase of 18% in sales revenue for 2016

Organic and printed electronics industry expects significant increase in sales revenue

Companies / Markets

The latest business climate survey conducted by the Organic Electronics Association (OE-A) states that nearly 80% of the participants expect a significant increase in sales revenue in the printed electronics industry.

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A roll of printed electronics components at the AGFA booth at LOPEC 2015

AGFA Specialty Products enters into agreement with MGI


Belgian-based AGFA Specialty Products and MGI Digital Technology from France have announced the formal creation of a strategic development agreement aimed at the printed electronics industry.

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The HeLi-on flexible solar panel for charging mobile phones

InfinityPV presents solar panel for charging mobile phones


The Danish start-up company infinityPV has launched a crowdfunding campaign for its new HeLi-on product, a super compact solar charger for the pocket. Using a powerful and flexible solar panel, HeLi-on is reported to facilitate phone charging significantly. The panel is assisted by a built-in rechargeable battery that ensures power even on a cloudy day.

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