OPE journal

OPE | New and polished E-Paper out now!

Read the current e-paper of the OPE journal 49:


About OPE journal (Archive)

OPE journal is the new globally circulated magazine for the organic and printed electronics industry. The magazine includes the official OE-A news and starts with a controlled circulation of 9500 copies. Each address is personalised, as OPE journal will be sent to professionals known by name and not only to companies or departments. OPE journal provides its readers with:

  • analyses of the latest market trends
  • most recent industry news
  • independently researched economic and business reports
  • reports on new technologies, methods and processes

Advisory Board

To assure OPE journal’s close connection to the market, the editors work in cooperation with a high calibre experts:

Thomas Kolbusch

Thomas Kolbusch – Chairman
(Coatema Coating Machinery GmbH / Germany)

Dr. Klaus Hecker

Dr. Sorin G. Stan
(VDL ETG / Netherlands)

Dr Xiachang Zhang
(Enfucell / Finland)

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Baumann

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Baumann
(TU-Chemnitz / Germany)

Dr. Klaus Hecker

Dr. Klaus Hecker
(OE-A / Germany)