Companies / Markets

The Cleantech Park in Singapore will be equipped with BIOPV solar films supplied by Heliatek

Heliatek supplies its film for Asia’s largest BIOPV installation in Singapore

Companies / Markets

The organic electronics energy provider Heliatek’s organic solar films HeliaFilm are part of a pilot project in Singapore focusing on future sustainable urban development. The German company partners with vTrium Energy, a Singapore-based supplier of clean technology sustainable solutions, in the implementation of the world’s most powerful and Asia’s largest BIOPV (building integrated organic photovoltaic) project.

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LOPEC press conference with Kai Hohmann, principal technical expert automotive displays at Continental; Dr Stephan Kirchmeyer, chairman of the board of OE-A; Wolfgang Mildner, general chair LOPEC; and Falk Senger, CEO of Messe München

OE-A predicts further growth for printed electronics

Companies / Markets

At the LOPEC trade show, the leading European event for organic and printed electronics, which takes place in Munich, Germany, the Organic Electronics Association (OE-A) has published its latest business climate survey as well as the sixth edition of its Roadmap. The OE-A Roadmap is updated biannually and represents the knowledge and opinions of the world’s leading printed and flexible electronics experts. It addresses technologies as well as applications in the areas of OLED lighting, organic photovoltaics (OPV), OLED and flexible displays, electronics and components, and integrated smart systems.

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Optomec's Aerosol Jet system

Optomec partners with Ceradrop

Companies / Markets

Optomec, a leading global supplier of production grade additive manufacturing systems for 3D printed metals and 3D printed electronics based in Albuquerque (NM), USA, has announced the signing of an agreement with Ceradrop to be its exclusive representative in France for Aerosol Jet systems used for printing electronics. Ceradrop, a subsidiary of the MGI Group, designs and markets material deposition inkjet printers for advanced printed electronics systems and is headquartered in Limoges, France.

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Sang Deog Yeo, president of the OLED business unit of LG Display

Universal Display and LG Display announce entry into long-term OLED patent license

Companies / Markets

The OLED experts at Universal Display Corporation (Ewing (NJ), USA) have signed a new OLED technology license agreement and supplemental material purchase agreement with LG Display Co., Ltd., a leading developer of display technologies based in Seoul, South Korea. The contract will run through December 2022.

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Expected sales revenue for the organic and printed electronics industry according to the latest survey by the OE-A

OE-A predicts increases in sales revenue for the printed electronics industry

Companies / Markets

In the organic and printed electronics industry, all signs continue to point to growth, claims the latest business climate survey by the Organic Electronics Association (OE-A). This is also expected to have a positive impact on the employment situation.

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