Solar Press and Kroenert cooperate in OPV manufacturing

Companies / Markets

Solar Press UK Ltd, UK, and KROENERT GmbH & Co KG, Germany, today announced the signing of a long term partnership agreement to develop and sell turn-key manufacturing solutions for organic photovoltaic (OPV) modules, to enable low cost, reliable production of OPV products in all regions of the world.

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  A flexible colour display by plastic logic
A flexible colour display by plastic logic

Plastic Logic wins award for innovative colour flexible displays

Companies / Markets

Plastic Logic Ltd’s low-power unbreakable, colour and monochrome flexible plastic displays were honoured with the Elektronik Product of the Year Award, which are chosen by the readers of the Elektronik magazine and industrial users of electronic products.

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  A spatial ALD reactor developed by TNO
A spatial ALD reactor developed by TNO

Holst Centre wants to bring spatial ALD into printed electronics

Companies / Markets

Holst Centre,Eindhove, The Netherlands,  an open-innovation initiative by imec, Belgium, and TNO, The Netherlands, is structurally embedding spatial atomic layer deposition (ALD) into its core technology portfolio in the flexible electronics domain and is now actively looking for industrial and academic partners to join this new activity. 

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  The interactive binoculars with bi-directional OLED micro displays
The interactive binoculars with bi-directional OLED micro displays

OLED based interactive binoculars win IT 2013 innovation award


Interactive data glasses by Fraunhofer COMEDD, Dresden, Germany, were awarded the innovation award IT 2013 within the framework of the computer expo CeBit, which was staged in Hannover, Germany, from 5-9 March 2013.

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  Fraunhofer IAP’s pilot line for solution-based processes is located in a clean room and measures a lenght of 15 meters
Fraunhofer IAP’s pilot line for solution-based processes is located in a clean room and measures a lenght of 15 meters

New pilot line for organic electronics

Companies / Markets

The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research (IAP) in Postdam-Golm, Germany, has taken a new near-industrial scale pilot line for the development of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) in operation.

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