News (wearables)


SALD supplies technofibres for new textiles

"Fibres with atomic coatings will turn the textile industry upside down," predicts Frank Verhage, CEO of the Dutch technology start-up SALD BV (Eindhoven). The company name stands for "Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition" (SALD) and refers to a process for applying atom-thin layers to fibres, for example. By applying several layers on top of each other made of different substances that enter into controlled chemical reactions, properties can be created that are "completely crazy" (Frank Verhage). The SALD boss speaks of a "textile revolution", comparable to the invention of synthetic fibres or synthetic dyes since the mid-19th century.

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UCI invention lets people pay for purchases with a high-five

Imagine your car starting the moment you get in because it recognises the jacket you’re wearing. Consider the value of a hospital gown that continuously measures and transmits a patient’s vital signs. These are just two applications made possible by a new “body area network” -enabling fabric invented by engineers at the University of California, Irvine.

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TechBlick announces free-to-attend exhibition and presentations on wearable medical sensors, e-textiles and printed electronics

TechBlick will host a free-to-attend exhibition and selected end-user presentations on 14 October 2021 between 16:30 to 19:30 CEST in their popular networking lounge. This free session is part of the larger member-only event featuring world-class speakers on Wearable Medical Sensors, Printed Electronics, and E-Textiles.

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