News (solar)


SALD nominated for Technology Fast 50

SALD BV (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) has been nominated for the Technology Fast 50 Award 2023 in the 'Rising Star' category. The award is presented annually by the renowned consultancy firm Deloitte to honour the 50 most promising technology companies. The focus is on the fastest growing companies in the technology sector.

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Epishine unveils world’s most resource-efficient solar cell factory

Epishine, a pioneering Swedish energy impact company, has announced the launch of their new solar cell factory with a capacity of one hundred million modules per year. This expansion into a larger state-of-the-art roll-to-roll facility is a direct result of the growing market interest across industries and a wide range of applications.

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Dracula Technologies unveils GreenMicroPower Factory, revolutionising indoor IoT energy harvesting

Dracula Technologies (Valence, France), a pioneer in energy harvesting through indoor light, announces its new “Green MicroPower Factory“—a state-of-the-art, fully automated facility. The largest of its kind in Europe (2500m²), this factory will produce up to 150 million cm² of organic photovoltaic (OPV) devices per year, using inkjet printing to simultaneously lower costs and increase customization. Dracula Technologies’ new facility will cater to high-volume IoT customers from early 2024, while also preparing to license its groundbreaking technology.

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