News (flexible electronics)

Flex-o-Fab flexible OLED demonstrator

Holst Centre and Flex-o-Fab take first step towards “lighting by the mile”

Researchers from the EU-funded Flex-o-Fab project have successfully fabricated working OLED devices on a flexible barrier layer produced in a roll-to-roll process. The Flex-o-Fab project aims to help bring flexible OLEDs to the market by 2018. It brings together companies and institutes with strong background in organic electronics from across Europe and is coordinated by the Dutch research institute Holst Centre.

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A schematic illustration of Apple's latest patent for flexible electronics in mobile devices

Apple allowed patent for flexible electronic devices

The American consumer electronics giant Apple has been granted a patent for foldable and flexible mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones. The new technology is reported to protect the devices from damages caused by dropping and offers new input options. For example, certain video games could be controlled by bending or folding the device, claim the developers. In more general terms, bending could be used to switch the hardware on or off.

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DPP's technology for passive RFID antennas is now entering the market thanks to the cooperation with Mühlbauer

DP Patterning partners with Mühlbauer

DP Patterning AB (DPP), subsidiary of the Swedish non-profit electronic research institute Acreo, has signed a contract with the smart card, smart label and semiconductor producer Mühlbauer Group from Roding, Germany. The agreement gives Mühlbauer exclusive rights to exploit passive RFID antennas on the market. This unique manufacturing technology had been developed by Norrköping-based DPP.

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