News (automotive)


The Origo Steering Wheel wins German Design Award 2021 for outstanding design quality

The Origo Steering Wheel concept has received recognition from the German Design Awards council for outstanding design quality. The project was chosen as a winner in the category of Excellent Product Design – Human-Machine Interface. German Design Awards is one of the world’s most highly renowned design competitions. High standards are assured by an international jury recognising only projects that truly represent pioneering contributions to the German and international design landscape. The Origo Steering Wheel was developed within the Finnish automotive ecosystem, in collaboration between Canatu, Siili Auto, TactoTek, Rightware, and Northern Works as a part of the Multimodal In-Vehicle Interaction and Intelligent Information Presentation (MIVI) project.

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CES 2021 is all-digital

The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) is reimagining how to connect exhibitors, customers, thought leaders and media from around the world while prioritising health and safety. Therefore, the CTA has announced that CES 2021 will be an all-digital experience.

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Finnish automotive ecosystem co-creates future driving experience with launch of Origo steering wheel concept

The Origo Steering Wheel concept is designed to improve safety by reducing driver distraction with intuitive controls adapted from mobile device user experiences. It improves the way a driver accesses information, and controls non-driving functions, in the vehicle with intuitive thumb controls accessible with a safe hands-on-wheel driving position. Relevant information is presented in each situation, ensuring the driver can focus on the primary task: safe driving. The concept replaces multiple mechanical controls in different locations with novel, 3-dimensional touch sensors that are integrated in the steering wheel and easily operated by thumb, providing a natural, smartphone-like interaction.

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