News (automotive)

Canatu: Former Intel executive Thomas Lantzsch joins Board of Directors

Canatu, Vantaa (Finland), known for developing advanced carbon nanotubes and manufacturing equipment for the semiconductor and automotive industries, wants to driver further innovation.

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E Ink Combines Innovation, Creativity and Design for the BMW i5 Flow NOSTOKANA

E Ink the originator, pioneer and global commercial leader in ePaper technology, has announced the use of E Ink Prism 3 in the official unveiling of the BMW i5 Flow NOSTOKANA, a tribute to the 1991 Esther Mahlangu Art Car. The innovative homage to BMW Art Car #12 was being unveiled at the Frieze Los Angeles art fair from February 29 to March 2. It was also featured at LOPEC 2024 from March 5 to 7 in Munich.

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Autonomous Driving, Sharing and AI: This is How the Germans Envision the Future of Mobility

Faster subway schedules, optimized traffic flow on roads and fewer disruptions due to strikes: 57% of Germans are convinced that means of transportation such as trains, buses or cars will be predominantly autonomous in 20 years. These are the results of a representative survey commissioned by the digital association Bitkom.

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