Thin Film Electronics, a global leader in printed electronics and smart systems based in Oslo, Norway, has announced that Woodford Investment Management has agreed to acquire 120M new shares in the company in a private placement totaling 42M US-Dollars.
“Printing as an integral part of the production process” will be the main theme of the technical presentations during the third Advanced Functional and Industrial Printing (AFIP) conference, organised by the European Association for Printing Manufacturers in screen and digital printing (ESMA) on 2-3 March 2016 at the Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel in Düsseldorf, Germany.
The Centre for Process Innovation (CPI), a UK-based technology innovation centre, has recently partnered with the American-based equipment manufacturer NovaCentrix to install a specialist system designed for the high-speed photonic curing of printed electronics inks.