News (Printed electronics)

Gwent Electronic Materials Limited, acquired by Sun Chemical in 2016, is a manufacturer of tailor-made conductive inks and materials for biosensors, biomedical sensors, EL material, oxygen sensors, automotive components, PTC, PZT, NTC varistor, and microc

Sun Chemical to highlight partnerships, acquisitions and product portfolio at IDTechEx Printed Electronics USA 2017

During IDTechEx Printed Electronics USA 2017, Sun Chemical (Parsippany, New Jersey) will highlight its latest strategic partnerships and acquisitions as well as the latest offerings from its wide portfolio of solutions for printed electronics, displays, electroluminescent lighting, smart sensors, packaging, printed circuit boards, and electronics manufacturing. 

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The latest OE-A survey confirms the positive development of printed electronics (source: OE-A)

Organic and Printed Electronics Industry expects an increase of 16% in sales revenue in 2018

The signs continue to be set for growth in the organic and printed electronics industry. This is the clear message to result from the latest business climate survey conducted by the OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association), a Working Group within VDMA (Mechanical Engineering Industry Association). Over 80 percent of survey participants expect the industry to continue its positive development in the coming year.

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Movesense from Suunto relies on IMSE technology from TactoTek (photo: TactoTek)

TactoTek to supply IMSE solution for Suunto Movesense smart connector

The Finnish sports watch and measuring instrument company Suunto recently announced that TactoTek has been awarded the mass production contract for the Suunto Movesense Smart connector, an injection moulded structural electronics (IMSE) solution that is part of the Suunto Movesense platform. TactoTek will manufacture the smart connector in its Oulu, Finland factory.

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