News (Printed electronics)

intelliFLEX and TSTA have decided to collaborate from now on (photo: intelliFLEX)

intelliFLEX signs MOU with Taiwan Smart Textiles Association

The intelliFLEX Innovation Alliance (Ottawa, Canada) and Taiwan Smart Textiles Association (TSTA) announced a memorandum of understanding for mutual cooperation.

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LOPEC will be back in Munich next March (photo: Messe München)

LOPEC 2019 and smart packaging: Printed electronics as growth driver

When pharmaceutical packages sound an alarm or food cartons measure the temperature, printed electronics are involved. LOPEC, the international exhibition and conference for the PE industry in Munich, Germany, will provide information on next generation packaging from 19-21 March 2019.

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Ynvisible invests in its facility in Almada, Portugal (photo: ynvisible)

Ynvisible scales production with new printing line and customer training facility

Ynvisible Interactive Inc. (Vancouver, Canada), specialised in creating ultra-low power, dynamic displays in printed electronics, has opened a new production and customer training facility. The new sheet-to-sheet production line will enable ynvisible to produce electrochromic devices for orders in the hundreds of thousands of unit per production run for products such as smart labels and Internet of Things devices.

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