News (Printed electronics)

CPI’s support in a smart food labelling project aims at reducing food wastes (photo: Maria Lindsey Multimedia Creator –

CPI supports smart food-labelling project set to reduce food waste in 2020

CPI has supported the development of a next-generation smart labelling technology aimed at dramatically cutting food waste and health risks across the perishable goods industry.

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Expected sales revenue in the OPE industry (source: OE-A)

Organic and printed electronics industry expects an increase of 3 percent in sales revenue in 2019

Despite the current slowing down of the overall economy, the organic and printed electronics industry continues to grow. This is the clear message to result from the latest business climate survey conducted by OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association), a Working Group within VDMA (Mechanical Engineering Industry Association). 80 percent of survey participants expect the industry to continue its positive development in the coming year.

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innoLAE 2019 welcomed hundreds of international attendees – next year’s event promises a similar success (photo: EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Large-Area Electronics)

innoLAE 2020: Setting cornerstones for 2020 and beyond

The 6th annual Innovations in Large-Area Electronics Conference (innoLAE 2020; 21-22 January 2020) highlights innovative and exciting aspects of large-area electronics – a new way of making electronics, leveraging novel processes and new functional materials to provide electronic functionality in thin, flexible and transparent designs. The conference encompasses printable, plastic, organic, flexible and bio- electronics with topics including high performance materials, advances in devices and systems, novel manufacturing processes and hybrid integration with silicon electronics.

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