News (Printed electronics)


Advanced interactive surfaces by TNO at Holst Centre: consoles and control panels re-invented

TNO at Holst Centre (Eindhoven, The Netherlands) supports companies in the development of interactive surface technologies using structural electronics based on printed electronics that can be formed into any 3D shape, making rigid printed circuit boards a thing of the past. Printed circuit boards demand volume, cannot be adjusted in shape and are less cost-effective. With the approach TNO at Holst Centre has developed for structural electronics, both graphic and electronic parts are printed directly onto the backside of a substrate, creating a closed and smooth surface that contains all electronic functionalities. Touch buttons and icons can be located anywhere, on any surface and in any size. Technology design is therefore no longer restricted and pre-defined.

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Oreltech’s “printed metals” nominated for the Innovation Award Berlin Brandenburg 2020

The innovation "Printed Metals" from OrelTech GmbH was nominated for the Innovation Award Berlin Brandenburg 2020. The Berlin-based company submitted the innovation in this year's competition of the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg and was nominated as one of ten companies for the Innovation Award.

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OE-A business climate survey: printed electronics industry sees significant decline in sales due to corona pandemic

The organic and printed electronics industry is also severely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the latest business climate survey by the OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association). While the figures at the beginning of the year were still very positive with a forecast sales increase of 8 percent, the survey participants now expect a sales loss of 20 percent this year. Main reasons: Cancellations of orders and a significantly reduced order intake due to the Corona pandemic.

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