News (OPV)

Peter Terium, CEO of innogy and Thibaud Le Séguillon, CEO of Heliatek

Heliatek raises €80M

Heliatek, a world leader in organic photovoltaic and a manufacturer of solar films based in Dresden, Germany, has put together a €80M round to finance the expansion of its HeliaFilm manufacturing capacity by one million square-metres per year. This round comprises €42M in equity, €20M in debt, and about €18M in subsidies.

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The Cleantech I building in Singapore has been equipped with HeliaFilm from Heliatek

Heliatek successfully implements second phase of BIOPV pilot project in Singapore

The Heliatek GmbH (Dresden, Germany) has reached an important milestone in its pilot project in Singapore. The organic solar film HeliaFilm is being rigorously tested under the tropical weather conditions of Singapore to provide new urban-fit energy solutions for the ever growing cities of Asia.

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This atomic force microscopy image of the grainy surface of a perovskite solar cell reveals a new path to much greater efficiency. Individual grains are black, low-performing facets are red, high-performing facets are green (photo: Berkeley Lab)

Discovery by Berkeley Lab could dramatically boost efficiency of perovskite solar cells

Scientists from the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have discovered a possible secret to dramatically boosting the efficiency of perovskite solar cells hidden in the nanoscale peaks and valleys of the crystalline material. Solar cells made from compounds that have the crystal structure of the mineral perovskite have captured scientists’ imaginations.

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