News (OPV)

Solliance has further advanced power conversion efficiency for flexible solar cells (photo: Solliance)

Solliance tops 21.5% efficiency with flexible perovskite-CIGS tandem

Scientists at Solliance (Eindhoven, The Netherlands), in collaboration with MiaSole Hi-Tech Corp., fabricated a flexible solar cell with a record breaking power conversion efficiency of 21.5%. The solar cell combines two thin-film solar cell technologies into a 4 terminal tandem solar cell stack: a top flexible semi-transparent perovskite solar cell with a bottom flexible copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) cell.

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Perovskite technology from Oxford PV (photo: Oxford PV)

Oxford PV perovskite solar cell achieves 28% efficiency

UK-based Oxford PV, a leader in the field of perovskite solar cells, recently announced a new, certified world record for its perovskite-based solar cell. Oxford PV’s 1cm2 perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell has achieved a 28% conversion efficiency, certified by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The achievement edges out Oxford PV’s own previous certified record of 27.3% efficiency for its perovskite-silicon solar cell, announced earlier in 2018.

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A flexible lightweight solar panel from Midsummer (photo: Midsummer)

Midsummer proves minimal carbon footprint of its thin film solar cell production process

A new study commissioned by the solar energy technology leader Midsummer (Stockholm, Sweden) shows that the company’s proprietary flexible CIGS thin film solar module manufacturing process is much more environmentally friendly than other solar module production processes like e.g. for silicon modules.

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