News (Fraunhofer FEP)

VON ARDENNE FOSA LabX 330 Glass - a coating system for flexible glass (image: VON ARDENNE)

Fraunhofer FEP and VON ARDENNE introduce solution for coating flexible glass in a roll-to-roll process

The Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP, which is based in Dresden, Germany, and the machinery company VON ARDENNE, also based in Dresden, will intensify their cooperation in the field of the coating of flexible glass. Due to its properties, this new material is ideally suited as a substrate for various applications in flexible electronics. Since October 2016, the two partners have been operating the roll-to-roll coating system FOSA LabX 330 Glass together.

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The new atmoFlex line at Fraunhofer FEP in Dresden

Fraunhofer FEP enhances its facilities for coating plastic films

A leader in thin-film technology R&D, the Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology FEP in Dresden, Germany, has significantly enhanced its capabilities with the so-called atmoFlex system.

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Augmented reality and wearable displays are major topics at Fraunhofer FEP

Fraunhofer FEP develops OLED microdisplays in data glasses

The Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology (FEP), based in Dresden, Germany, has been developing various applications for OLED microdisplays based on organic semiconductors. By integrating the capabilities of an image sensor directly into the microdisplay, eye movements can be recorded by the smart glasses and utilised for guidance and control functions.

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