Tom Kerchiss, RK Print Coat Instruments: "Trusting the pilot"

The chairman of RK Print Coat Instruments Ltd outlines the potential of innovative coating systems.

Formulators of coating materials and manufacturers of custom configured pilot and production coaters have expanded application possibilities in electronics with innovative materials and with coating systems and printable electronic devices that are adaptable and highly responsive. Coating systems such as the VCML are able to apply coatings, adhesives and inks uniformly and precisely to tight tolerances.

The manipulation of coatings, adhesives and other properties associated with the production of light weight, highly functional electronics makes for products such a PS-tapes and other structures including flexible laminates that offer better heat resistance, conductivity, peel-ability, flame resistance, vibration, soundproofing and insulation.

Economics and care for the environment

Systems need to be in place that enables the electronics engineer and the converter or the provider of support technologies to undertake R&D and determine the effectiveness or stability of various materials and substrates over time – prior to production. Economics and care for the environment are on the agenda with water based and bio-based materials up for consideration. Trialling different materials or coating applicator technologies for comparison purposes pays dividends in that it minimises the risk of giveaway of excess material and optimises the production process, enabling process concerns to be addressed.

Pilot coating machines that offer selectable coating applicator and print head technology as well as hot air, IR and UV curing are of obvious benefit, especially for sectors such as electronics which are so often involved with R&D and modification or upgrading. Pilot coating, print and laminating systems that are capable of short run production such as the VCML are especially useful in that they enable converters and producers of electronic items, that are often of a short and specialist nature to turn out products economically.

Smooth coating is critical

RK Print Coat Instruments have supplied various systems for electronic and printable electronics applications, one of which was for a custom bespoke VCML pilot coating/printing system for IITK, the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. This custom bespoke VCML is for the development of printable electronics and is supplied with gravure, flexographic and screen-printing which can be undertaken in various combinations, with print registration options and coating and laminating capability.

Controlling process variables, developing new products and determining what will work and what will not work occupies the minds of many. Many issues centre on ink and coating manufacture, compatibility issues and deposition. The latter, the smooth coating of ink in thin and often discrete and accurate layers are critical.

Concern about ink or coating deposition thickness is not unique to the electronic specialist. Packaging converters know that print thickness influences colour density. Converters, those who manufacture backlit displays for instance must lay down a consistent thickness of transparent coating in order to achieve the level of visual acuity required. The difference between success and failure is one of degree. The light transmission properties must be consistent from batch to batch. Colour must match exactly because the translucent properties of the ink transmit light to within a specified degree of tolerance.

Product trials and colour match

Quality control, product development tools and systems that enable users to colour match and determine properties such as durability, flexibility, chemical resistance, rub resistance or to evaluate how the various process and material elements interact or react over time are available and are considered as being complimentary with the VCML and other RK innovations. One such device is the FlexiProof.

A scaled down but component critically exact version of a flexographic production press, the FlexiProof is an award winning concept that can be used to undertake product trials and colour match without recourse to a production press. The FlexiProof family of devices is comprised of the FlexiProof 100, FlexiProof UV and FlexiProof LED UV. The UV and LED versions incorporate a miniaturised and integrated UV curing system that allows for the printing and curing of flexographic printing inks to be undertaken seamlessly and efficiently. Printing and curing inline highlights blemishes such as pinholes, which cannot be detected using traditional conveyor methods of proofing.

About RK Print Coat Instruments
The company, a family run business has a long history of involvement with the graphic arts and ink manufacturing industries. Tom’s grandfather was an agent for a German ink company in Russia, but the family fled to Berlin during the Russian revolution. With the coming of the Second World War they moved to England where Tom father began work with an ink company, developing inks that would work with a revolutionary new material polyethylene. A company, RK Chemicals was set up in 1962, eventually renamed to reflect the core business printing and coating. Today, RK Print Coat Instruments' systems and equipment are exported all over the world.

Caption: "The difference between success and failure is one of degree," says Tom Kerchiss. (Image source: RK Print Coat Instruments)

Source: RK Print Coat Instruments Ltd

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