Sun Chemical Advanced Materials and DIC Corporation open new Technical Centre

Sun Chemical Advanced Materials (Parsippany (NJ), USA) and its parent company, the DIC Corporation, have opened a new European Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) Technical Centre in Karlstein, near Frankfurt in Germany. The new laboratory, an extension of Sun Chemical’s Eurolab, enables the DIC Group to provide enhanced and more localised expert technical support to its European and American customers of DIC.PPS, an industry-leading compound developed by the DIC Corporation.
The European PPS Technical Centre, which represents a €2.7M investment, further strengthens the DIC Group’s global supply and technical service network for DIC.PPS compounds. As the European and the American PPS markets continue to grow, this new facility will provide the additional capability to cater for the increased demand for production and technical support.
DIC.PPS provides automotive, electronic and appliance components with outstanding resistance to heat and chemicals. An inherently non-flammable compound, DIC.PPS also eliminates the need for flame retardants. This unique combination of properties enables engineers to realise significant cost savings and produce technologically superior components.
Commenting on the opening of the new multi-million pound facility, Mehran Yazdani, president of Sun Chemical Advanced Materials, said: “This new European Technical Centre will support these developing markets and more promptly serve our global customers. Furthermore, its location near Frankfurt, Europe’s largest transportation hub, makes it ideally placed to enable us to quickly access and serve our European customers.”