PrintoCent designs handbook to expand printed electronics and diagnostics adaptation
After a decade of intensive studies and development efforts, printed electronics can now be cost efficiently produced in masses. PrintoCent, a Finnish pilot factory dedicated to the scaling up from prototypes to mass manufacturing in the printed electronics industry, has therefore recently released a pioneering handbook that gives tools for a rapid technology take-off with numerous implementation examples and tangible advice on how to get the best out of the components.
The PrintoCent community is strongly involved in the industrialisation of roll-to-roll printed technologies and hybrid integration. The product design processes are still in early phases, but the first steps towards the development of design flow have been taken. For wider commercialisation, hybrid integration is necessary. The printed components, combined with hybrid integration, design case examples and process control methods are all showcased in this handbook.
The book offers a wide range of competences to all value chains of new print-based future products. It is meant for anyone working on technical product design, so that they can utilise printed electronics/intelligence in the next generation of products. Moreover, the publication is intended to bridge the gap between theoretical research engineers and the actual design engineers developing commercial products.