OE-A: Strong Presence at drupa 2024
OE-A will exhibit at drupa, the world's leading fair for print and cross-media solutions. During the eleven event days from May 28 to June 7, 2024, OE-A will inform the international visitors and attendees about the broad range of application possibilities of the printed electronics technology.
The focus will especially lie on smart packaging, technologies and applications.
The OE-A booth
OE-A exhibits in hall 14, right next to the VDMA Touchpoint Sustainability.
OE-A Seminars – Printed Electronics Presented at the drupa cube
The drupa cube is the conference venue at the show where global trends and dynamics (in print and beyond) are discussed and debated with a full agenda of sessions every day during drupa. OE-A members will be there to present and discuss latest developments in the field of printed electronics in two sessions:
Printed Electronics Solutions for Sustainable Smart Packaging
Date: May 29, 2024
Time: 3-5 pm
Venue: drupa cube (hall 6)
Preliminary Agenda
15:00 h
Welcome & Introduction
Dr. Klaus Hecker, Managing Director, OE-A (Germany)
15:10 h
Compostable printable RFID antennas for sustainable smart packaging
Ofer Shochet, Co-founder and CEO, Copprint (IL)
15:30 h
Pad Printing Electronics: Rethinking printed antennas for future connectivity
Beate Grobben, Head of Business Development EIMEA, Printed Electronics,
Henkel Adhesive Technologies (DE)
Dominik Aeschbach, Area Sales Manager, Teca-Print (Germany)
15:50 h
Progress towards manufacturing of paper-based Printed Circuit Boards
Gerhard Domann, Head of Application Technology, Head of Optics and Electronics,
Fraunhofer ISC (DE)
16:10 h
Low-cost sensing devices for IoT applications
Ashok Sridhar, CEO, TracXon (NL)
16:30 h
Roundtable discussion:
Printed Electronics for Sustainable Smart Packaging
16:50 h
Summary & Adjourn
Dr. Klaus Hecker, Managing Director, OE-A (DE)
Printed Electronics: Technologies and Applications
Date: June 4, 2024
Time: 3-5 pm
Venue: drupa cube (hall 6)
Preliminary Agenda
15:00 h
Welcome & Introduction
Dr. Klaus Hecker, Managing Director, OE-A (DE)
15:10 h
Printing, Converting, Assembling – Co-creation along the full process chain
Dominik Reukauf, Technical Business Development Manager,
Lohmann GmbH & Co. KG (DE)
15:30 h
Upscaling OPV into production tech – What are the obstacles to reach a competitive OPV industry in Europe?
Thomas Kolbusch, Director Sales, Marketing, Technology, Vice President
COATEMA Coating Machinery GmbH (DE)
15:50 h
Next level functional printing for the electronics and hydrogen markets
Dr. Andreas Willert, Deputy Head of Printed Functionalities,
Chair of IEC TC 119, Fraunhofer ENAS (DE)
16:10 h
Full R2R Process Flow for Flexible and Hybrid Electronics
Dr. Tuomas Happonen, Senior Scientist, D. Sc. (Tech), Printed Electronics
Processing, VTT-Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. (FI)
16:30 h
How ePaper is shaping the future of smart packaging
Hui Lee, President of E Ink Netherlands offices, E Ink
16:50 h
Summary & Adjourn
Dr. Klaus Hecker, Managing Director, OE-A (DE)
Company visit @Coatema, June 4
The OE-A organizes a company visit and networking event at Coatema in the evening of June 4. More details will be published soon.
Caption: drupa takes place from May 28 to June 7, 2024, in Dusseldorf (Germany). The drupa cube is the conference venue at the show.
Picture: Messe Dusseldorf