LOPEC Conference 2025: Call for papers opens 5 September

LOPEC invites submissions for the upcoming LOPEC Conference in February 2025.

The LOPEC Conference during the LOPEC trade fair in Munich, Germany, is a leading communication platform for research, knowledge and solutions in the field of organic, flexible and printed electronics. In 2024, there were more than 180 conference contributions from 23 countries, tailored to the different interests of the participants. In 2025, LOPEC will take place from 25 to 27 February.

The LOPEC conference is divided into several specialised modules, including the Business Conference, the Technical Conference and the Scientific Conference, ensuring a suitable platform for every topic of interest. The conference language is English.

In addition to oral presentations, participants will have the opportunity to present their work through a poster exhibition. This alternative allows the presentation of essential information on a DIN A0 poster during the two days of the exhibition. A dedicated Poster Presentation Session is scheduled for Wednesday 26 February 2025 from 18:00 to 19:30, providing an opportunity for direct interaction between presenters and participants.

LOPEC Conference 2025: Guidelines for participation

The LOPEC Conference 2025 organisers have outlined a four-step process for those interested in participating:

1. Abstract submission: 5 September to 27 September 2024
Submissions for the LOPEC Conference will be accepted online from 5 September to 27 September 2024. Abstracts, to be written in English, should provide a concise overview of the intended presentation, not exceeding 3,000 characters including spaces. Abstracts should describe in detail the motivation, approach, results and conclusions of the work. Diagrams, pictures or schematic representations may be included.

2. Selection process: 28 September to 24 November 2024
From 28 September 2024, an international panel of experts will review all submitted abstracts based on their thematic and technical content. The committee will then compile a coherent programme of presentations from the selected abstracts.

3. Confirmation of participation from 25 November 2024
Notification of acceptance for oral or poster presentation will be sent from 25 November 2024.

4. Presenter ticket at a discounted rate
Selected presenters will be able to purchase a discounted presenter ticket, which is mandatory for participation as a speaker or poster presenter. This ticket provides access to the entire conference and exhibition.

LOPEC (Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention) is the world's leading trade fair and conference for flexible, organic and printed electronics. Every year it brings together leading players from application to research from all continents in the high-tech metropolis of Munich, Germany. The mix of trade fair and conference allows visitors to experience LOPEC in a variety of ways and shows where one of the most exciting technologies of the future stands today and what enormous potential it still holds.

Source: LOPEC

Caption: In 2024, there were more than 180 conference contributions from 23 countries ath the LOPEC Conference. (Image source: LOPEC)

More information: LOPEC Call for papers | LOPEC

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