IST METZ at LOPEC: UV and LED technology for printed electronics


At LOPEC 2022, which takes place from 23 to 24 March in Munich, UV equipment manufacturer IST METZ (Nürtingen, Germany) will present the latest UV and LED units for fast and reliable curing of printed circuits.

MBS-LI for thermally sensitive materials: With a maximum lamp length of 550 mm, the high-performance MBS LI unit achieves a maximum output of 270W/cm. An optimised air flow and the use of a quartz glass pane between the lamp chamber and the substrate guarantee effective heat management in the UV system and enable the MBS LI to be used even with temperature-sensitive materials.

In addition to its portfolio of classic medium pressure steam lamps, IST Metz, together with its subsidiary Integration Technology, will also be presenting the latest LED technology. The systems consist of freely configurable and addressable modular units which can be adapted to the specific requirements of the respective application. This ensures optimum curing without affecting the substrate. The SPOTcure series for precise curing is also part of the LED product portfolio. The high-power, multispectral systems combine the radiant power and spectral characteristics of a mercury arc lamp with the TCO and process advantages of LED technology. The handheld HANDcure also enables the user to work mobile and fatigue-free wherever controlled curing and immediate handling stability are required.

Cleaning and modification through Excimer technology: UV cleaning methods play a key role in the display and semiconductor sector. Very short wavelength UV light (peak value 172nm) is used to break up the bonds in organic substances. Additional generation of ozone oxidises these contaminants into carbon dioxide and water. The result is a clean surface. The modification of surfaces improves surface tension, which in turn improves wettability. Wettability is measured via contact angle. A significant effect is achieved at wavelengths of below 200 nm. Spheres of application: display panel production, touch panel production, wafer production.

Caption: Highly resistant and extremely matt surfaces can be achieved by using Excimer technology (photo: IST METZ)

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