infinityPV makes polymer solar cells available

infinityPV's HeLi-on OPV solar charger

The Danish start-up company infinityPV regards flexible organic solar cell technology as a serious alternative to established solar cells. This technology enables a future where organic solar panels are integrated anywhere thanks to their unique low weight and flexibility.

infinityPV has proven that polymer solar cells can be produced in large scale. Now, the company introduces new flexible solar cells printed in “infinitely” long busbar-less foils. This technology is reported to enable cost and energy efficient light harvesting; it is user-friendly, highly adaptable and offers products which can be used anywhere as standalone installations.

The focus of infinityPV is on printed electronic technology. The current business areas include inks, foil, large solar cell panels, and solar cell modules for educational use. Fifteen years of research experience backs up the deep technical understanding in the development of printed solar cell technology within academia and industry.

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