Fraunhofer FEP develops OLED microdisplays in data glasses

Augmented reality and wearable displays are major topics at Fraunhofer FEP

The Fraunhofer Institute for Organic Electronics, Electron Beam and Plasma Technology (FEP), based in Dresden, Germany, has been developing various applications for OLED microdisplays based on organic semiconductors. By integrating the capabilities of an image sensor directly into the microdisplay, eye movements can be recorded by the smart glasses and utilised for guidance and control functions.

“Augmented-reality” and “wearables” have become terms we encounter almost daily. Both can make daily life a little simpler and provide valuable assistance for patients, athletes, and in manufacturing. With the help of the so-called bi-directional OLED microdisplays, which are developed by Fraunhofer FEP, the function of “wearable displays” and hands-free eye controlled systems are joined together in a unique way.

“Eye-controlled augmented-reality smart glasses using our OLED microdisplays can be designed to be relatively small and light-weight since the display and image sensor is integrated on a single chip. A new and improved development platform is now available to our clients for creating proprietary products”, explains Judith Baumgarten, project manager at Fraunhofer FEP.

The current generation of colour bi-directional microdisplays offers SVGA resolution (800 × 600 × RGBW) and for the first time sufficient image quality to become established in this market segment. The updated hardware design with standard HDMI and USB interfaces likewise contribute to getting established.

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