FINAT Award for the ((rfid)) Parking Permit of Schreiner Group

Schreiner Group (Oberschleißheim, Germany), manufacturer of innovative functional labels, has won the first prize in the category “Innovation” at the FINAT Label Competition 2017 for its electronic ((rfid)) Parking Permit. The high-tech company convinced the jury of the European association of the self-adhesive labelling industry (FINAT) and received the award during the European Label Forum in Berlin.
“Innovation is one of the central values, which our company is built upon. The repeated success at the FINAT Awards shows that our philosophy as innovators is exercised consequently and practically here at Schreiner Group,” says managing director Roland Schreiner. “We owe this inventive talent to our employees, wo constantly rethink known and new technologies, develop them further and transform them into innovative products.”
With the award, FINAT recognises the best adhesive labels as well as related products on an annual basis. About 300 print products have entered the competition this year.
The ((rfid) Parking Permit, which was developed by the business unit Schreiner PrinTrust, convinced the jury with its multitude of user advantages. Since September 2016, it is used all over Vienna for resident parking. It reduces the administrative efforts for the city administration, as well as for inspectors and car owners. Users apply the high-tech label on their windshield, where it can stay for years – even if the permits change due to relocations within the city or if the car is being sold. Even the annual extension of the parking permit becomes more efficient and economical, as the label does not have to be replaced.
On the chip, an ID number is stored, which can be read by special devices and compared to the permits within the data base. This data base records number plates, car models, as well as parking permits and durations – but no personal data. The control efforts are significantly reduced, as car identification can happen touch-free thanks to UHF RFID from a distance of few metres and without visual contact.
Caption: The ((rfid) Parking Permit from Schreiner Group has received the FINAT Award for Innovation (photo: Schreiner Group)