FachPack 2019: Marketplace Smart Packaging – Printed Electronics and More

Modern communication is digital, fast, versatile and therefore sophisticated. Information on products and companies is usually available at the click of a mouse. However, long-term business relationships are still personally closed and maintained. And new concepts are created through the exchange of experience.
The Smart Packaging Marketplace offers the best of all worlds. It combines the 24/7 presence of topic-relevant online portals with an efficient trade fair presence for high-quality contacts and discussions at the leading trade fair for packaging in Europe, as well as a think tank for the exchange of experience among experts.
Packaging users are confronted with ever greater challenges. Digitisation, networking and industry 4.0 are already high on the list of requirements of numerous companies. Customers are demanding new intelligent applications and added value for their packaging solutions. Printed electronics is an innovative technology that is now making its way into practical applications. Intelligent packaging and new materials create new purchasing incentives and additional benefits for consumers.
The topics of the marketplace are therefore exciting and topical: Printed electronics – on the way to digital packaging. Smart packaging solutions as a marketing and sales tool. New materials for more functionality and sustainability, and much more.
These topics will be complemented by a Think Tank in which experts from research, industry and science will discuss new approaches and concepts for modern packaging solutions.
The cross-media concept of the Smart Packaging Marketplace combines the theme-specific trade fair appearance at Fachpack with the media competence of the specialist titles of the dfv Media Group (Lebensmittelzeitung, Packaging 360°, C2 Magazines, OPE journal, PackReport, etc.).
Your advantages:
- High visibility due to current focus topic
- Direct customer contact
- Clearly calculable cost and time expenditure
- Permanent presence of the company also before and after Fachpack through the online portals Packaging 360° and Verpackungswirtschaft.de
- Direct address of the registered Fachpack visitors through the Packaging 360° Newsletter
- Consistent customer approach in the environment and at the fair with specific information, invitations to the fair and personal contact at the event
- With this powerful combination, exhibitors can easily and efficiently reach new customers, maintain their inventory or easily test new markets.
- various full-service packages with comprehensive services for an uncomplicated trade fair presentation
- Exactly defined target group by top-class Fachpack trade visitors and readers of leading trade journals from the food, packaging and marketing sectors
Contact and further information:
Nina Pirchmoser – Sales Manager C2 Magazines / OPE journal
Carmen Boussaa – Sales Manager Packaging 360° / PackReport / PackMittel