DuPont launches Micromax brand for microcircuit and component materials


DuPont (Wilmington, Delaware) recently announced the launch of a new brand, Micromax, that will encompass the products formerly under the Microcircuit and Component Materials brand. Micromax products are used in a wide variety of electronics applications—from automotive, passive components, and 5G communications to healthcare and consumer goods.

“Micromax aims to be the leading brand for electronic thick film inks, pastes, and ceramic tapes,” said Tim Chang, Micromax global business leader. “The new brand name won’t impact our offerings or how we work with customers. Our high-quality products, exceptional customer service, and broad-based expertise remain the same. It will simply be faster and easier to identify our offerings.”

Micromax organises nearly 800 products under a single cohesive brand, simplifying how distributors and customers can identify and specify their preferred products. The changes include:

  • GreenTape, which will now be known as Micromax GreenTape
  • Heatel, which becomes Micromax Heatel
  • Intexar which becomes Micromax Intexar
  • Fodel which becomes Micromax Fodel

Because they are tailored in close partnership with clients, Micromax products enable extremely customised solutions.

Caption: DuPont’s new brand Micromax (photo: DuPont)

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