Cynora receives the German Raw Material Efficiency Award 2014

The proud laureates of the German Raw Material Efficiency Award 2014. cynora was represented by Dr. Thomas Baumann (CTO, 5th from the left) and Dr. Bruno Grimm (Project Manager, 3rd from the left) © BGR / Uppenkamp

On 4 December, cynora GmbH, a producer and developer of singlet harvesting technology for use in OLEDs, was awarded the German Raw Material Efficiency Award 2014. The firm, which is based in Bruchsal, Germany, won the competition against seven other finalists in the category “companies” and received the prize that is worth €10 000.

Since 2011, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has recognized companies and research institutes for the development and implementation of raw material efficient products, processes and services with the coveted award. The handing over ceremony took place in Berlin, during a conference with the topic “Using raw materials efficiently – successful on the market”.

The project submitted by cynora – “Platinum and iridium-free, optoelectronic materials for material-efficient use in OLEDs” – convinced the panel of experts. For many years, the German company has been working on developing Singlet Harvesting technology, which makes it possible to manufacture efficient OLED components without the previously used, very rare heavy materials. This innovation could be the impetus for implementing this new technology into market-ready products. With approximately 200 patent registrations, cynora is considered a pioneer in this field.

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