CERADROP’s CeraPrinter at Fraunhofer IKTS for high-performance ceramics and applications

CERADROP (Limoges, France), a MGI Group company, supplied the Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS with the Hybrid CeraPrinter F-Serie Platform. IKTS conducts applied research on high-performance ceramics and represents Europe‘s largest R&D institute dedicated to the study of the most complex ceramic devices.
MGI-CERADROP provided this leading institute with their breakthrough equipment for the development of powerful properties in ceramic materials, industrial manufacturing processes as well as prototype components and systems in complete production lines. The entire MGI-CERADROP team expressed their gratitude to Dr Steffen Ziesche, Group Leader of Microsystems, LTCC and HTCC, for his collaboration and the incredible opportunity to contribute to the development of the high-end hybrid ceramic components for industrial sectors.
With a focus on the constant development of flexible and modular concept, the CeraPrinter equipment meets the most challenging tasks in complex multi-material devices design and printing by integrating a large variety of digital deposition technologies for the specific shapes.
“A cost-effective solution for producing individualised and miniaturised ceramic components in small quantities economically is to employ digital printing technologies like Inkjet or Aerosol jet. These printing techniques are maskless and entirely additive, making them incredibly adaptable. The Ceradrop Printer enables the highly efficient use of these technologies in combination with the appropriate machine-integrated curing technologies,” said Dr Steffen Ziesche, Group Leader Microsystems, LTCC and HTCC. “The prospectively manufactured hybrid ceramic components are used in the application fields of electronics and power electronics (automotive, aerospace, telecommunications, industry) as well as sensor and energy technology. The Ceradrop machine is characterised by high reliability, excellent usability and by the timely and competent support of the manufacturer.”
Caption: The Hybrid Materials Deposition Platform CeraPrinter F-Serie (photo: CERADROP)