Asian nanotechnology breakthrough with CeraPrinter X-Serie from CERADROP

CERADROP, an MGI Group company based in Limoges, France, has supplied the Institute for Nanotechnology (INT), Vietnam National University – Ho Chi Minh City (VNUHCM) with one of its turnkey materials deposition inkjet platforms – the CeraPrinter X-Serie.
INT was officially established with the name of Laboratory for Nanotechnology (LNT) in September 2004 as an affiliated institution of VNUHCM. INT is dedicated to expanding the domains of nanoscience and nanotechnology through the exploration of new dimensions of knowledge and applications of nanotechnology in our daily lives. The main research orientations of the Institute are in the areas of materials & inkjet printing technology, opto-electronic materials and devices, materials & environmental sensors, nano-materials, fuel cells, etc.
CERADROP has supplied this prestigious institution with its advanced modular-based CeraPrinter Equipment, offering an exclusive solution for the most challenging R&D projects. CERADROP’s expertise is focused on the design and manufacturing of innovative and versatile systems for printed electronics and smart 3D printing. “We are proud to provide such world famous actors with an all-in-one solution for nanotechnologies implementation. Moreover, having participated at the International Workshop on Nanotechnology and Application - IWNA 2017, CERADROP has confirmed its strong expertise in printed electronics and strengthened its partnerships for an expansion on the Asian market,” stated Tim H. Luong, national sales manager at CERADROP.
“From its inception 13 years ago, the INT thinks that Vietnam needs to acquire knowledge and know-how in microfabrication. Among those technologies, inkjet printing is a recognised contender with many research activities underway. CeraPrinter X-Serie is a perfect tool for materials testing and already showed the possibility to print RFID antennas at INT,” noted Prof Dang Mau Chien, director of the Institute for Nanotechnology.
Caption: Tim H. Luong from CERADROP, French and Chinese partners visiting and running the CeraPrinter X-Serie at INT (photo: CERADROP)